Arts Hub
at East Harptree
The Arts Hub at East Harptree is an arts project connecting artists with the local community
The Arts Hub has completed its first year of residencies and we are in the exciting stages of finding new artists in residence for the studio space who will run workshops with the local community.
We are delighted to share that the Arts Hub was successful in achieving funding from the Arts Council National Lottery Project Grants and the community infrastructure levy from the East Harptree Parish Council for a further two year project. We have plans for further workshops with local schools, new mothers and social prescribing sessions. Watch this space....!
Do get in touch if you have any ideas for collaboration!
Email Arts Administrator Ruth at artshubharptree@gmail.com
Thank you so much to Keri Green and Louis Neale for bringing so much to the community through their workshops and presence in the studio in 2024 - it will be a hard act to follow!
Arts Hub Recent Projects

Streams of the Mind
Artist in residence Louis Neale ran wellbeing sessions with social prescribing clients referred through Harptree Surgery. Follow our blog post here!

Hunky Punk Heritage Project 2
Artist in residence Louis Neale and local artist Patrick Barker ran art classes with schoolchildren from East Harptree Primary School to create their very own clay Hunky Punk. The works were then displayed in St Laurence Church, East Harptree. Follow our blog post here!

The Big Arts Weekend
Local artists, including artist in residence Keri Green, created a community art exhibition and arts weekend in the East Harptree Theatre in October. We were delighted to see so many visitors and people in the local community supporting the art weekend. Follow our blog post here!
Background by Meg Lovell Photography @meglovellphoto