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World Book Day at East Harptree Primary School

The Arts Hub were delighted to take part in a class at East Harptree Primary School to celebrate World Book Day. As an illustrator herself, Keri was really excited to run an illustration workshop with Otter Class, based on the children's classic novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a book the class had been recently working on.

The children learnt from Keri how to make their own fold out card wardrobes with illustrated magical worlds inside. Keri was really inspired by the imagination and creativity of the children - just look at some of the detail in the wardrobe creations! Well done Keri for being such a brilliant teacher and an artistic inspiration, as she received some amazing feedback from the children:


"I learned that you can use your imagination for anything"

"I made a world where your dreams come true, rainbowunicorn-owls. I would certainly do it again!'

"Everything we did was so amazing and fun"

"You showed me how to take my time"

"Yes (to doing it again) because it was lots of fun"

"I created a forest on a planet in space and my characters were an otter, a crab and a flying pig"

"My dream world was a football pitch and my main character was Cristiano Ronaldo short for Cr7. Of course I would (do it again)"


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